Devshree Golecha

Devshree Golecha has been featured in P.O.W.E.R, the international…

Kristy Zach

Kristy is a business analyst focused on communications strategy…
Jonny Bentwood

Jonny Bentwood

Jonny Bentwood heads data and analytics globally at Golin. Recently…

Courtney Kennedy

Courtney Kennedy is director of survey research at Pew Research…

Darryl Sparey

Darryl is MD and Co-Founder of performance-driven communications…

Petra Masinova

Petra Masinova is a communications professional with over 20…

Ori Sasson

Dr. Ori Sasson is the founder of S2T Unlocking Cyberspace, a…

Ngaire Crawford

Ngaire is the regional head for research at Isentia across Australia…

Understanding blockchain, crypto tokens and NFTs

Blockchain, crypto tokens, and Non-Fungible-Tokens (NFTs) are…