Strong backing for Integrated Evaluation Framework

AMEC members from around the world give their strong support to the AMEC Integrated Evaluation Framework.

What Brexit and the US election tell us about communication and evaluation

Two years of research as part of The Organisational Listening Project and years of evaluation experience reveal key insights communication professionals need to note.

The Definitive Guide: Why AVES are invalid

AMEC has launched a major global education initiative to help eradicate the declining demand for the much-derided AVE metric. AVEs have long been the subject of intense criticism but because they claim to put a financial value equivalency on PR and Comms work, and are easy to produce, there is still a lingering demand from some quarters of the communications profession.
AMEC Measurement Month

Say No to AVEs – worldwide push to eradicate AVEs

AMEC is inviting the support of public relations and communications organisations to join a global initiative to eradicate fully the use of Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE) and all of its derivatives as metrics in public relations work. How to take part – see Resource Centre.

AMEC in global drive for final eradication of AVEs

A global initiative was announced today (May 17, 2017) to eradicate fully the use of Advertising Equivalency Value (AVE) and all of its derivatives as metrics in public relations work.

Strong industry growth ahead – More rapid consolidation likely

A forecast of strong growth in the media intelligence sector on an increasingly global scale will also fuel more rapid industry consolidation, according to a new study published by AMEC.

Non-Profits setting the example? – New AMEC survey

Results of a new survey from AMEC’s Non-Profit Group shows that measurement in Non-Profit communications work is considered “non-negotiable” and more important today than it was five years ago.

AMEC Awards winners!! – See the list

The winners list has been published for the 2017 AMEC International Communications Effectiveness Awards. Big winners this year include Cision, Isentia, Prime Research and CARMA.

Professor Jim Macnamara honoured – Wins Don Bartholomew Award

Professor Jim Macnamara has been named the winner of the prestigious Don Bartholomew Award for Outstanding Service to communications measurement and evaluation.

AMEC Lifetime Fellowship – Three new inductees

AMEC has announced the award of a Lifetime Fellowship to recognise three communications professionals for their major individual contributions to the advancement of measurement in different parts of the world.

Global Summit Smiles – amazing Asia turns on the charm

AMEC’s Global Summit in Bangkok wowed delegates and helped create an “amazing Asia” sunshine mood amongst the delegates. This small selection of pictures shows the Smiley Summit.