2024 Award Categories


  1. Categories for All
  2. Categories for In-House Communication teams only
  3. Special Awards


Sector/Field Awards

Most effective planning, research and evaluation in the public and not-for-profit sectors

This award will recognise the effective use of measurement and evaluation in the public and not-for-profit sectors. Entries should reflect the objectives of the communications activity, such as changing public opinion and behaviour, lobbying, building support and engagement or driving fundraising. Metrics should reflect outputs as well as audience outcomes and how these have supported the objectives. Judges will also consider the cost-effectiveness of the campaign or programme.

Most effective planning, research and evaluation in consumer communications

This award is for the most effective use of measurement and evaluation in a consumer focussed communications campaign or ongoing programme. This could be the launch of a new consumer brand (product or service) or repositioning, reinvigoration, or re-launch of an established consumer brand through the use of communications. The use of measurement and evaluation to demonstrate both outputs and audience outcomes (such as changing opinion, application of trend or buzz, impact on brand preference, brand image and sales/usage) are important factors in determining the winner.

Most effective planning, research and evaluation in business-to-business communications

This award is for the most effective use of measurement and evaluation in a B2B focussed communications campaign or ongoing programme. This could be the launch of a new B2B brand (product or service) or repositioning, reinvigoration, or re-launch of an established B2B brand through the use of PR or integrated communications. The use of measurement and evaluation to demonstrate both outputs and audience outcomes (such as changing opinion, proving buzz, impact on brand preference, brand image and sales/usage) are important factors in determining the winner.

Most effective planning, research and evaluation of a Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Programme

AMEC is a member of the Diversity Action Alliance (DAA) and will be donating proceeds of this category entries to the DAA.

This category focuses on providing insight and evaluating results based on effective planning, research and evaluation. This award recognises significant role planning, research, and evaluation to improve future communication strategies and channel plans. The winning entry will demonstrate how planning, research and evaluation lead to clear, high strategic recommendations that drove outcomes and impact. Entries should include clearly stated measurable objectives and outcomes.

Most effective planning, research and evaluation of a ESG programme

This award recognises those entries which demonstrate best practice in the planning and measurement of communication programmes relating to an environment, social or governance issue. Entries should reflect on their organisation’s ESG goals and how research and planning informed campaign decisions and measured outcomes.

Best crisis comms measurement and reporting

This award recognises those entries which demonstrate best practice in communication during a crisis. Entries should reflect the use, direction and insight gained from the use of reporting, data and analysis during a crisis.

Best use of measurement for a single event or campaign

This award recognises those entries which demonstrate best practice in communication measurement of a single event. Events may be trade conferences, industry exhibitions, sporting events, elections, charity or similar events.

Best multi-market reporting

This award recognises outstanding measurement and evaluation of communications campaigns or ongoing programmes across multiple markets. This can be at a global scale or across multiple countries within a more localised region.

Best use of social media measurement

The award recognises those entries which demonstrate best practice in measurement of social media for a campaign or on-going activities. Social media can be evaluated as part of a campaign integrated with traditional media but the entry should focus on the objectives, execution and results of the social evaluation element rather than traditional mainstream media.

Best use of measurement for Internal Communications

This award recognises best practice in research and evaluation of communications programmes aimed at an organisation’s internal audiences or stakeholders. Entries should demonstrate how communications has delivered a measurable benefit to the organisation.

Best evaluation on a small budget <£10,000 or <$10,000)

To explore the inventive work being done by smaller agencies, those in the charity sector, and those in emerging markets. This award recognises best practices (which will include creative and innovative use of data) in measurement and evaluation of communications with a smaller budget. Entries should include data sources, reporting samples and insights garnered and the impact to outcomes of initiative.


Best Practice Awards

Best use of integrated communication measurement/research

The award recognises the integrated use of communications measurement and evaluation – either in terms of multiple research techniques such as media measurement, audience research, influencer research and business metrics (e.g. share price or sales) and / or in integrating measurement and evaluation across multiple media channels such as paid, earned, shared and owned.

Best use of a measurement framework

This award recognises the outstanding use of a measurement and evaluation framework such as AMEC’s Integrated Evaluation Framework. Entries can reflect the use of a framework for specific campaigns and ongoing programmes or how organisations have integrated a framework as part of their overall measurement discipline.

Best use of measurement to improve storytelling

This award seeks to recognise measurement reporting that employed clear and simple analysis and made recommendations using direct and clear language.

Most impactful client recommendations arising from a measurement study

This category focusses on providing insight and evaluating the results of any consequential work done. It recognises the significant role organisations providing a measurement and evaluation service play in improving their client’s future communications strategies and channel plans. The winning entry will demonstrate measurement and evaluation leading to clear, highly strategic recommendations that drove change in future planning. This entry will require client endorsement to confirm the value to that client.


Regional Awards

Most effective planning, research and evaluation in:

– Europe
– North America
– Latin America
– Middle East and Africa

This category focusses on providing insight and evaluating results based on effective planning, research and evaluation. It recognises the significant role planning, research and evaluation play in improving a client’s future communications strategies and channel plans. The winning entry will demonstrate how planning, research and evaluation lead to clear, highly strategic recommendations that drove outcomes. Clearly stated measurable objectives and outcomes should be included in the entry.


Innovation Awards

Best use of new technology in communications measurement

This award recognises the innovative use of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, data mining, voice and image recognition, content aggregation, categorisation, thematic tagging and influencer identification to provide value added insight for communication professionals.

Best use of new measurement methodologies

The award acknowledges creative new approaches or clever combinations of existing measurement and evaluation tools to measure the impact of client communications activities. This may be through in-house tools or external partnerships.

Step change award for the best improvement of a measurement journey

This award recognises a demonstrable improvement of how an organisation has used measurement and evaluation – increasing the level of sophistication and using measurement and evaluation to improve either their own or their client’s communication performance.

Best first step on a measurement journey

To celebrate organisations who are new to media measurement and evaluation, and those embedding good practice right from the start. Entries will provide their measurement and evaluation strategy along with measurable objectives.


Most effective planning, research and evaluation in the public and not-for-profit sectors

This award will recognise the effective use of measurement and evaluation in the public and not-for-profit sectors.  Entries should reflect the objectives of the communications activity, such as changing public opinion and behaviour, lobbying, building support and engagement or driving fundraising.  Metrics should reflect outputs as well as audience outcomes and how these have supported the objectives.  Judges will also consider the cost-effectiveness of the campaign or programme.

Most effective planning, research and evaluation in consumer communications

This award is for the most effective use of measurement and evaluation in a consumer focussed communications campaign or ongoing programme.  This could be the launch of a new consumer brand (product or service) or repositioning, reinvigoration, or re-launch of an established consumer brand through the use of ommunications. The use of measurement and evaluation to demonstrate both outputs and audience outcomes (such as changing opinion, application of trend or  buzz, impact on brand preference, brand image and sales/usage) are important factors in determining the winner.

Most effective planning, research and evaluation in business-to-business communications

This award is for the most effective use of measurement and evaluation in a B2B focussed communications campaign or ongoing programme.  This could be the launch of a new B2B brand (product or service) or repositioning, reinvigoration, or re-launch of an established B2B brand through the use of PR or integrated communications. The target audience might be a niche business sector or the business community at large. The award will be judged on targeted reach, the ability to drive awareness, engagement and purchase intent among the target audience, as well as proven business impact such as lead generation or actual sales conversion.

Most impactful use of insights and analytics recommendations

This category focusses on providing insight and evaluating the results of any consequential work done. This award recognises the significant role measurement and evaluation plays in improving future communications strategies and channel plans. The winning entry will demonstrate measurement and evaluation leading to clear, highly strategic recommendations that drove change in future planning.

Most effective planning, research and evaluation:

– Europe
– North America
– Latin America
– Middle East and Africa

This category focusses on providing insight and evaluating results based on effective planning, research and evaluation. It recognises the significant role planning, research and evaluation play in future communications strategies and channel plans. The winning entry will demonstrate how planning, research and evaluation lead to clear, highly strategic recommendations that drove outcomes. Clearly stated measurable objectives and outcomes should be included in the entry.

Most effective change of practice in measurement in a PR Agency 

For progressive PR & Communication agencies looking to raise their game in measurement, this award recognizes advances in research and measurement methodologies accomplished by an agency team. Agencies must showcase how they add value and how changes has delivered measurable benefits to the agency and its clients.

Most effective use of research and measurement in stakeholder management

This Award recognises best practice in research and measurement programmes targeted at internal or external stakeholders relevant to the objectives of the organisation. Entries should explain how stakeholders are identified and defined, and how data is used to understand the influence of communications on stakeholder attitudes and behaviours.


Team and Individual Awards

AMEC large communications, research and measurement team (organisation) of the year

The award recognises the achievements, performance and innovation of a organisation involved in communications measurement. This category is open to all types of organisations, including in-house teams; measurement companies and communications agencies with an annual revenue of £1,000,000 and over from communications research and evaluation only (not monitoring).

AMEC mid-sized communications, research and measurement team (organisation) of the year

The award recognises the achievements, performance and innovation of an organisation involved in communications measurement. This category is open to all types of organisations, including in-house teams; measurement companies and communications agencies with an annual revenue of between £500,000-900,000 from communications research and evaluation only (not monitoring).

AMEC small communications, research and measurement team (organisation) of the year

The award recognises the achievements, performance and innovation of an organisation involved in communications measurement. This category is open to all types of organisations, including in-house teams; measurement companies and communications agencies with an annual revenue  of up to £500,000 from communications research and evaluation only (not monitoring).

Young professional of the year

This award recognises the excellent work of young professionals in all areas of communication measurement who make a valuable contribution to the companies that they work for by providing excellent client services and by developing and driving business. Additionally, these individuals should show considerable promise as future leaders of the industry. This award is open to individuals who are under the age of 35 by June, 2024. Entries can be self-nominated or nominated by a third party.

Executive professional of the year

This award recognises the excellent work of professionals in all areas of communication measurement who make a valuable contribution to the companies that they work for by providing excellent client services and by developing and driving business. This award is open to individuals who have at least ten years senior experience by June, 2023. Entries can be self-nominated or nominated by a third party.

AMEC Student of the year

This is a non-entry Award to recognise AMEC students on their application of learning and results. AMEC College tutors will provide nominations for the student of the year, based upon results, innovation and engagement during the AMEC Certificate in Measurement and Evaluation in the past 12 months.