An Inaugural in More Ways Than One: Uncertain Outcomes and History-Setting Precedents of the U.S. Presidential Election of 20162nd December 2016 500 500 AMEC AMEC2016-12-02 15:53:222019-09-19 12:03:44An Inaugural in More Ways Than One: Uncertain Outcomes and History-Setting Precedents of the U.S. Presidential Election of 2016
Biggest ever AMEC judging panel23rd November 2016Entries in the 2017 AMEC Awards will be judged by an International Jury of experienced clients, PR consultancy managers and leaders of professional organisations. We are grateful to them for their time. 500 500 AMEC AMEC2016-11-23 16:39:332019-09-19 12:04:23Biggest ever AMEC judging panel
Global Summit – Bangkok Summit gears up23rd November 2016A bold theme to reflect the disruption and innovation taking place in communications has been chosen for the AMEC Global Summit in Bangkok. 2756 2756 AMEC AMEC2016-11-23 16:19:542019-09-19 12:06:37Global Summit – Bangkok Summit gears up
5 Measurement Resolutions for 20172nd November 2016Jeni Chapman, North America Co-Chair for AMEC and Principal at Incite & Impact Consulting, and John Pluhowski, Senior Vice President and Chief Communications Officer, Corporate and Public Affairs at TD Bank, take an early look at New Year Resolutions for 2017. 500 500 AMEC AMEC2016-11-02 16:51:232019-09-19 12:07:285 Measurement Resolutions for 2017
AMEC 2017 AWARDS OPEN FOR ENTRIES28th October 2016It’s time to start planning for the AMEC’s 2017 International Communications Effectiveness Awards. Look out for the announcement that the online entry system is live on Wednesday November 9. 618 618 AMEC AMEC2016-10-28 13:48:012019-09-19 12:08:20AMEC 2017 AWARDS OPEN FOR ENTRIES
How to measure Communication20th October 2016Leading communications professional Rachel Miller has lost count of the times she has judged industry awards and been frustrated by the lack of measurement in the entries. But she says there are no excuses any more! 400 400 AMEC AMEC2016-10-20 09:37:402019-09-19 12:09:14How to measure Communication
Measurement Month 2016 THE BIGGEST YET!7th October 2016The events ranged from twitter chats, webinars, to breakfast briefings, half day conferences and evening workshops. 500 500 AMEC AMEC2016-10-07 12:00:422019-09-19 12:11:14Measurement Month 2016 THE BIGGEST YET!
Global Education Partner announced – A Data Pro in two year Agreement7th October 2016AMEC has announced A Data Pro will become its new Global Education Partner. 500 500 AMEC AMEC2016-10-07 09:39:362019-10-14 03:29:01Global Education Partner announced – A Data Pro in two year Agreement
EU Directive “lacks ambition” – AMEC/FIBEP unhappy at new plan7th October 2016AMEC and FIBEP, the two worldwide trade bodies representing companies in media monitoring and intelligence have accused the European Commission of a “cruel lack of ambition” in its proposals for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. 500 500 AMEC AMEC2016-10-07 09:35:372019-10-14 03:27:36EU Directive “lacks ambition” – AMEC/FIBEP unhappy at new plan
IPR Support7th October 2016AMEC was delighted to have the active support of the Institute for Public Relations during Measurement Month. 500 500 AMEC AMEC2016-10-07 09:26:482019-09-19 12:16:44IPR Support
Copyright Day Success – 12 countries involved7th October 2016Twelve countries took part in One Copyright Day organised by the joint AMEC & FIBEP Copyright Committee during AMEC’s Measurement Month. 795 795 AMEC AMEC2016-10-07 09:24:162019-09-19 12:18:20Copyright Day Success – 12 countries involved
Makeover for Global Speaker Bureau – Sign up!!7th October 2016Following the success of Measurement Month AMEC is re-launching its Global Speaker Bureau site. 500 500 AMEC AMEC2016-10-07 09:19:542019-09-19 12:19:15Makeover for Global Speaker Bureau – Sign up!!
Teamwork pays – Strong US success7th October 2016A team effort by the AMEC North American Chapter saw 12 events held during the US week of Measurement Month. 500 500 AMEC AMEC2016-10-07 09:17:462019-09-19 12:20:17Teamwork pays – Strong US success
Framework success7th October 2016The new AMEC Integrated Evaluation Framework has been viewed by 85 different countries since we put translations on the site in 9 languages including Arabic, Spanish and Swedish. 500 500 AMEC AMEC2016-10-07 08:51:402019-09-19 12:21:04Framework success
Manna from Whitehall for research and communication: Reflections on Brexit from inside the ‘bubble’1st October 2016Like the ‘manna from heaven’ – the food that reportedly fell from heaven to feed the Israelites during their exodus from Egypt – the UK government has delivered a veritable feast for researchers and communication professionals. 500 3000 AMEC AMEC2016-10-01 16:06:552019-10-14 17:16:53Manna from Whitehall for research and communication: Reflections on Brexit from inside the ‘bubble’