AMEC Board Elections – Ballots now open for member votes
We are delighted to announce that response to the call for nominees to stand for the AMEC Board of Directors 2022-23 term has been extremely positive. We have received more nominations than vacancies in the Full, Research and Associate Member categories and now invite members in those categories to vote for your preferred candidates of all validly nominated. All candidates have submitted manifestos for your review and consideration when casting your votes.
The AMEC Board Member* ballots (found here) are open now, and you have until Thursday 4 November 2021 (at the end of the business day in your time zone) to evaluate the candidates and submit your vote. The top vote recipients in your member category will represent you on the AMEC International Board of Directors in the coming year.
Each member organisation can submit a single ballot for their elected representatives in this election. Senior contacts have received the ballot details. However, if the ballot is best completed by someone else on the team, please let us know to expect the submission from another representative approved to carry your proxy.
*SPECIAL NOTE: Members may only vote in their respective category for AMEC Board Elections.
The election results will be announced at the AMEC AGM ( register here to attend) on Thursday, 18 November 2021. I welcome you to join the meeting and extend your support and congratulations to all successful candidates.
We need your support, and I appreciate your participation to help shape the future of AMEC!
Johna Burke
AMEC Global Managing Director