Elections to the 2025-26 AMEC Board of Directors – Ballots now open

We are delighted to announce that there are more nominees than vacancies in some categories due to the number of candidates willing to stand for the elections to the AMEC 2025-2026 Board.  Therefore, we now move to a Ballot to run from today until the deadline of the end of business in your time zone, Wednesday 30 October 2024.

For those categories where nominations did not exceed the number of vacancies, the members are hereby elected and will be ratified at the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 6 November 2024. Open Ballots are available by clicking the respective election page link below.

AMEC Board Elections – click below if you are in one of the member categories that have gone to the ballot for full details of candidates and download the ballot forms.

  • AMEC Full Member Ballot to fill six vacancies – Voting open – Download the Ballot form to view links to the seven candidates.
  • AMEC Agency/Research Member Ballot to fill one Vacancy – Voting open – Download the Ballot form to view links to the three candidates
  • AMEC Associate Member Ballot to fill 1 vacancy – Voting open – Download the Ballot form to view links to the 2 candidates

AMEC Chapter Elections – click below if you are in the member region that have gone to the ballot for full details of candidates and download the ballot forms.

  • AMEC APAC Chapter Region Ballot to fill 1 elected Director seat – voting open – Download the ballot form to view links to the 2 candidates


  1. Members may only vote in their respective category for AMEC Board Elections.
  2. Only one ballot paper per membership company may be cast.

Thank you for participating and helping to shape the future of AMEC

2025-2026 Elected Directors subject to ratification are as follows:

  • Steph Bridgeman, Founder, Experienced Media Analysts representing the AMEC Individual/Small Consultancy Member Category
  • Camille Raymond – Head of Communications Impact, Standards & Capacity Building (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development – OECD) – Representing the AMEC Not for Profit Member Category.

Key Dates 2024 elections for 2025-26 Board

  • Wednesday 16 October– AMEC announces nominations and open ballots, if required, e.g., if nominations exceed the number of vacancies in each membership category.
  • Wednesday 30 October– Ballot closes (if called)
  • Wednesday 6 November – Election results ratified and announced at the AMEC AGM.
  • 1 January 2025 – 2-year BOD Term Commences