Giles Peddy

  • Job Title: SVP EMEA Operations & UK Managing Director LEWIS
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • City: London


Giles is responsible for the UK’s complete portfolio of services and capabilities. He works across technology and consumer accounts providing strategic counsel, campaign planning and creative platforms that include corporate, technology, digital and influencer communications. He joined LEWIS in 2013 and brings a wealth of experience to the agency having worked at some of the world’s most notable agencies. During his career he has worked for high-growth companies as well as blue-chip brands including Citrix, EMC, McAfee, Novell, Oracle, SAS, and Samsung.

Areas of Expertise

  • Analytics and ROI
  • Corporate Reputation and Brand Equity
  • Social Media Measurement
  • The Future of PR (data/insights/digital…)
  • The Rise and Rise of Reputation Management
  • Using Communications Research to Drive Business Results
  • Why measurement and analytics is important to PR professionals

Personal Contact Details

Company Contact Details

  • Job Title: SVP EMEA Operations & UK Managing Director LEWIS
  • Company Email: [email protected]

Further Info

Proposed Presentation Titles
  • Storytelling – why don’t most brands get it?
  • The rise of influencer relations
  • Don’t measure, can’t manage