Chapters are the membership vehicle which have the deliberate aim of uniting AMEC members in the various membership categories in their region.

Access to the European Chapter community is just one of the networking member benefits associated with joining AMEC, members join within their respective category: AMEC Full or Associate membership, Agency/Research membership, In-House Communication teams, or Not for Profit Members.

AMEC Membership provides a unique networking and industry education resource for leaders in research in public relations, agencies and research and media evaluation companies. The Chapter has representation on the AMEC Board through the Chapter Chair.

Chapter Chair: Simon Gebauer, Chief Commercial Officer, Observer GmbH,  Simon

Chapter Co-Chair: Miranda Smith, VP Europe and Emerging Markets, Notified,Miranda

Membership Enquiries:
Julie Wilkinson, Member Engagement Manager
[email protected]CC [email protected]
M: +1 (602) 319-6726 – M: +44 7765 251-393