Date(s) - 21/09/2021
11:00 am - 12:00 pm


*For members of the AMEC Academics and Educators SIG members only* If you are not currently a member but interested please contact us using the link.

1) making a mountain out of a funnel

2) introduction to the Measurement Maturity Mapper

Hear from Steve Ryan of Temple University. Steve will attempt to make a mountain out of a funnel. Communicators have long been accustomed to applying the traditional marketing funnel to our work. In this session, we’ll literally turn this idea on its head and reframe the conversation around how we move audiences from awareness to advocacy.

Steve is Assistant Professor of Instruction at Temple University’s Klein College of Media and Communication in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His communication experience spans a variety of industries including toys, financial services and non-profit. He has strong feelings about asyndeton, parallel structure, the Oxford comma.

Steph Bridgeman, independent measurement consultant and AMEC international board member will guide you through one of AMEC’s free resources, the Measurement Maturity Mapper. This resource can guide professional and team development, identifies measurement strengths and weakness and benchmarks performance against other organisations.

As this will be the inaugural meeting of the AMEC’s Academics and Educators Special Interest Group, we will devote time at the end of the for informal discussion about teaching communications measurement theory and practice.