GAIO – How To Influence GenAI Chatbots To Create Measurable Impact On Brand Awareness, Credibility And Sales

Einstein Room

Generative AI tools have become essential to many journalists and buyers on a daily basis, not only as practical helpers to help conduct quick research but also as brand touchpoints.
The insights we can gather from understanding how the LLMs that are behind the GenAI chatbots are trained, has given rise to a new discipline called “Generative AI Optimization” (GAIO).
With this insight you can get a deeper understanding of what these tools tell us about our brands and products, how often the relevant questions are asked by users, and which sources are cited most often.
Join Sven Winnefeld, AI Strategy Director at Hotwire and one of the leading voices in the industry on GAIO, and Matt Oakley, AMEC Board Member, as they explore what GAIO is and share an example of how product recommendations provided by GenAI chatbots can be influenced to demonstrate the integral role GAIO will play in communicator’s responsibilities in 2024 and beyond.
1. What is GAIO?
2. How GAIO will be an essential tool for PR Professionals and how PR tactics can help increase the visibility of brands and products in ChatGPT and other chatbots
3. How to track and measure GenAI’s product recommendations to show how GAIO is impacting change and results