One-Third of PhD in Evaluation in Less Than One Hour

Millennium Room

Knowledge is power.

The peak qualification in research and academic knowledge is a PhD.

AMEC members and AMEC Summit attendees are leaders in the field of public communication – a field that is rapidly evolving and professionalizing. So, they need to continue to acquire knowledge including advanced knowledge. In this session, distinguished academic researcher and supervisor of PhD students, Jim Macnamara, will impart one-third of the knowledge required for a PhD in evaluation of public communication in less than one hour including Q&A, condensing and compressing vital advanced knowledge into simple explanations and practical applications. You don’t have to submit a thesis, but each attendee in this session will receive a signed ‘P’ Certificate (one-third of a PhD) from AMEC and a copy of practical workbook produced by Jim Macnamara containing tips, models, and templates for evaluation