Raising data confidence in PR

Panel, Bayfront B Room, InterContinental Miami

Data in PR is essential, without it there is no story of PR success. Yet new research (carried out by CoverageBook with UK & US PR practitioners & announced at AMEC) indicates; there is a lack of confidence in data literacy among PR practitioners. In this talk Stella Bayles and James Crawford reveal research results that identify the knowledge gaps and share how to improve data literacy. Speaking from the agency and vendor perspective they will provide practical guidance on using tech to teach, how to introduce credible metrics and how to build a ‘data culture’ in your team. This talk asks for your engagement and commitment to help raise data confidence in PR.

Key takeaways include:

  • What a lack in data confidence means in todays PR landscape;
  • What common metrics are no longer respected by C-suite & how to replace;
  • How to build a data culture in your PR team;
  • How to utilise your tech and vendors to improve data literacy.