The Future is Now: Latest Trends in Technology, Insights, AI and Social Impact

Panel, Bayfront B Room, InterContinental Miami

Get ready for an engaging discussion featuring a remarkable panel of experts spanning academia, communications, and storytelling, along with leading tech companies. With different perspectives on various topics, the panelists will have a dynamic conversation covering goal setting, stakeholder management, PR professionals’ measurement struggles and how stakeholder input can guide us towards the right direction. They will also discuss the trends in tech innovation and how it’s not just about winning, but rather about working together. Additionally, the panelists will delve into the topic of AI and how we can embrace it while maintaining transparency. Join us as we explore the latest trends in technology, insights, AI, and social impact that are already shaping our world.

Key takeaways include:

  • Social impact vs. social value – looking at both inside-out and outside-in perspectives and exploring how to measure these metrics and their impact on decision-making.
  • PR professionals continued struggle on showing value of metrics – bridging between methodology, tech and confidence.
  • The fragmented user experience – exploring how collaboration drives tech innovation to create a single user experience, and the magic of plugged-in tech.
  • AI – examining how to set frameworks for the use of AI that saves time but doesn’t sacrifice control.