Winning in B2B: New Paths to Winning Mindshare & Growing Market Share

Keynote, Sevilla Room, InterContinental Miami

Marketing is on the verge of its next significant change cycle. Against the backdrop of emerging macroeconomic, geopolitical and technology pressures, industry convergence is reshaping the marketplace while a new generation of workers is entering and reshaping the workplace. These shifts and others are redefining the business landscape and the competitive dynamics for customers and talent across B2B industries. As a result, opportunities and challenges are emerging for brands seeking to establish primacy in B2B.

Drawing on perspectives from The B2B Institute, LinkedIn’s B2B marketing think tank, and LinkedIn’s own unique economic graph, this session will focus on the evolving dynamics outside of and within organizations influencing how B2B brands leverage marketing and communications to win share of mind and share of market.

Key takeaways include:

  • Insights into the evolving expectations for B2B communications;
  • Mental models for driving brand differentiation along the B2B buying journey;
  • B2B audience and buying-group insights to optimize messaging impact for the current and next generation of business decision makers.