Evaluating the impact of the UK Government’s Coronavirus Communication campaign – what’s next?19th November 2021/by Julie WilkinsonAt the AMEC Global Conference in May 2021, we showed how communication formed an integral part of the UK’s Coronavirus response, with the biggest ever paid-for campaign in history working with announcements, digital and social media and partnerships with the public and private sector to change public behaviour, provide support to businesses and sustain trust and longer-term compliance. We also talked about the extensive evaluation programme that we set up to demonstrate the impact of communication activity. Today, we’d like to update you on how we’ve applied what we’ve learned since then to improve all of our campaign activity and set out the eight principles that we are adopting to improve all of our communication and the way that we evaluate its impact as we look ahead to the future – principles that we’d encourage every communicator to consider applying to their own work, as well as practical tips for doing so. https://amecorg.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Large-amec-logo-master-1024x232.png 0 0 Julie Wilkinson https://amecorg.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Large-amec-logo-master-1024x232.png Julie Wilkinson2021-11-19 12:33:032021-11-19 12:58:47Evaluating the impact of the UK Government’s Coronavirus Communication campaign – what’s next?