Creating long-term value from planning research and analytics

Have you ever spent a lot of time and money on analytics/ research, been impressed by the output, even used immediately used it for a campaign/idea… but, then never reference it again? In this session we discuss how to get more out of your data. What questions do you ask at the beginning to better understand not only what you are hoping the research will answer- but how you can then use the research as a “living” document. This session will focus on showcasing how research should never be a “one -off” expensive project and will bring to life how organizations are turning their research into toolkits for planning, employee engagement, customer retention, content creation and strategy optimization.

Key takeaways include:
How to create research that solves multiple business problems.

How “planning” research can and should be used throughout a program’s life cycle.

What are some real-world examples to bring this to life.

Questions to ask your team to make sure you are getting the most out of your research.