7 Principles for Measuring and Evaluating PR in 2021

Did you know in addition to its beautiful beaches, Barcelona is also home to a set of globally recognized principles for measuring communications?

Enter: the Barcelona Principles, a set of standards for measuring and evaluating the impact of public relations, originally formed at an AMEC Summit in 2010 to serve as an industry-consensus on measurement frameworks for PR professionals.

We’re excited to partner with our friends at AMEC to discuss the latest evolution of the Barcelona Principles 3.0, and how to apply them to your PR plans in 2021.

Join us live on 11/17 at 12:00pm ET / 9:00am PT and bring your best questions. Topics will include:

– How should you set goals to measure your earned media effectively in 2021?
– What metrics are worth tracking and which metrics should you drop from your reporting ASAP?
– Should you be measuring all channels at all times?

If you can’t attend live, you can still register to receive the recording after 11/17.