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International association for the measurement and evaluation of communication
Campaign title: Action on Stroke Month campaign
Company Name: Stroke Association
The Stroke Association is a UK charity whose purpose is to prevent strokes and achieve life after stroke through providing services, campaigning, education and research. Stroke is one of the biggest causes of death and disability and yet gets much less attention and funding than comparable health concerns such as heart disease and cancer.
The key objectives of the Action on Stroke Month campaign were to raise awareness of Stroke Association, stroke and mini-stroke, to grow and engage the Stroke volunteer community and to get people to contact the Stroke Association.
As well as raising awareness among the general public, there was a specific focus on key target audiences including business leaders, people who have been affected by stroke, charity supporters and black and minority ethnic groups (BME).
Every year the Stroke Association runs its Action on Stroke Month campaign to raise awareness of the condition and to recruit volunteers to help support victims and their families. For this campaign the focus was on raising awareness of mini-stroke, which is often a precursor to a major stroke, but frequently go ignored as people think they are ‘just having a funny turn’. Approximately 10,000 recurrent strokes could be prevented every year in the UK if mini-stokes were treated in time. Analysis of previous campaigns had shown that ethnic groups had not been reached as successfully as other key audiences. This was important as the risk of stroke to black people is significantly higher than white people. There was a strong emphasis on activity and media channels that would reach the BME audience
Media relations was based on mainstream and social media engagement with a big focus on utilising research that the Stroke Association had conducted on mini-strokes as well as celebrity supporters such as Andrew Marr. The campaign would also dovetail with the department of Health’s FAST campaign highlighting the symptoms of stroke and mini-stroke.