Looking to take part in Measurement Month but worried it might take too much time or cost too much? We have ideas to make it easy for your company to take part!
We know these ideas work well and are easy to plan and organise:

  • Tweet Chats.
  • Run a podcast! Nicole Moreo of Ketchum, an AMEC Board Director and Chair of our North America Chapter had impressive results recently from a podcast with AMEC member CoverageBook. Check it out on iTunes here. And on this link for non-apple users here
  • What about a webinar – where you don’t even have to leave your office! This is a terrific way to connect with your target market in your country or internationally. AMEC Board Members internationally are on hand to help form your webinar panel.
  • Author a White Paper, blog or set up a trade press interview. Remember you are the industry leaders – PR and comms professionals want to hear your views!
  • Run an Industry Breakfast Round Table – to watch costs you can run this as a 90-minute breakfast session over coffee and croissants at your office! It’s a low-cost way of engaging with your clients.