AMEC is searching for experienced industry communications professionals who can help make a difference to AMEC’s growth plans by standing for the AMEC International Board.

Retiring Directors are:

  • Ann-Sofie Krol, CEO of By Brick Insight, Sweden. Full Member
  • Colin Wheeler, Founder, Understanding Expertise, UK. Individual Member
  • Darja Kupinic Guscic, Medianet, Slovenia. Full Member
  • Eileen Sheil, Cleveland Clinic, US. Not for Profit Member
  • Jerry Ward, Managing Director, Press Data, UK. Full Member.
  • Marcus Gault, Managing Director Insights, Kantar Media, UK. Full Member

Retiring members have the opportunity to nominate themselves for a further two-year term of office.

Barry Leggetter, CEO of AMEC who is managing the Election process, said: “Every year we say farewell and thank you to Directors who retire by rotation. It is also our opportunity to bring in new industry professionals with new ideas and thinking to contribute to AMEC’s growth plan.”

AMEC is seeking candidates for nomination to stand for Election to the AMEC International Board of Directors to serve for two-years commencing 1st January, 2019.

There are vacancies to represent these member categories:

  • Full Member category – 5 vacancies
  • Individual Members: – 1 vacancy
  • Not for Profit Members: – 1 vacancy

Other Directors will remain as they have a further year to serve of their two-year term.

Key dates:

  • Monday 8th Oct – Notice of AMEC AGM and election details posted on AMEC website.
  • Friday 9th November – Deadline for candidates to submit Nominations & Personal Statement forms.
  • Monday 12th Nov – AMEC announces nominations and open a ballot if required.
  • Friday 23rdh Nov – Ballot closes (if called)
  • Results announced – AMEC AGM Thursday 6th Dec

For full information on the Elections nominations procedure to go