JIM.2017 – III Jornada de Innovación en Métricas de Intangibles
Corporate Excellence – Centre for Reputation Leadership and AMEC member Acceso are joining together to present a half day Measurement Month conference. Read more.
The conference will examine:

  • The importance of proving the impact and benefits of the management of the intangible assets.
  • It will look at the most important and innovative tools that are currently used to check and measure key intangibles.
  • The benefits that those tools have on helping create value for the company.

JIM.2017 is a key event in Measurement Month where Spanish organisations join together to share best practice and present new and advanced models that measure and manage the strategic intangibles. The aim is to provide professionals with knowledge, techniques and tools that could help to ease strategic decisions, alignment and corporate culture to organizations.

  • Ángel Alloza, CEO Corporate Excellence – Centre for Reputation Leadership
  • Sergi Guillot, CEO Acceso
  • Alessandra Oglino, Account Executive RepRisk
  • Macarena Estevez, CEO Conento
  • José Carlos Martínez Lozoya, Reputation Manager Iberdrola
  • Iñigo Roy, Dirección Ejecutiva de Comunicación, Relaciones Institucionales, Marca y RSC CaixaBank
  • Silvia Agulló, Directora de Negocio Responsable y Reputación de Grupo DKV
  • David Aguado, Senior Research Scientist CAMTO (Centro Avanzado para el desarrollo de Métricas de Talento Organizacional) Instituto de Ingeniería del Conocimiento.
  • Pilar Villegas, Senior Executive Great Place to Work
  • Pablo Gonzalo, Senior Executive Estudio de Comunicación

How to register: http://jim-2017.strikingly.com/#inscribete