AMEC Board Election Ballots – Full and Associate Members Vote Now!

Elections to the 2022-23 AMEC Board of Directors – Ballots now open

We are delighted to announce that due to the number of candidates willing to stand for the elections to the AMEC 2023-24 Board, there is more nominees than vacancies in some categories, we now move to a Ballot to run from today until the deadline of Thursday 10 November 2022 at the end of the business day in your time zone.

For those categories where nominations did not exceed the number of vacancies the members are hereby elected and will be ratified at the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 17 November 2022. Open Ballots can be found by clicking the respective election page links below.

AMEC Board Elections – click below if you are in one of the two member categories that have gone to ballot for full details of candidates and download the Ballot forms.

Wednesday 26 October 2022
: AMEC Election ballots open with voting ending THURSDAY 10 NOVEMBER 2022 at the end of the business day in your time zone.

Thursday 17 November 2022: Formal Announcement of Election results at the AMEC AGM Meeting


  1. Members may only vote in their respective category for AMEC Board Elections.
  2. Only one ballot paper per membership company may be cast in each ballot.

Thank you for participating and helping to shape the future of AMEC

Key Dates 2022 elections for 2023-24 Board

  • Wednesday 26 October– AMEC announces nominations and open ballots, if required, e.g., if nominations exceed the number of vacancies in each membership category.
  • Thursday 10 November– Ballot closes (if called)
  • Thursday 17 November – Election results ratified and announced at the AMEC AGM.
  • 1 January 2023 – 2-year BOD Term Commences