AMEC has announced the award of a Lifetime Fellowship to recognise three communications professionals for their major individual contributions to the advancement of measurement in different parts of the world.
The Lifetime Fellowship awards were announced at a meeting of the Board of the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC), held during the AMEC Global Summit in Bangkok.
The Lifetime Fellowship goes to:
AMEC Chair Richard Bagnall (extreme left) with the three new Lifetime Fellows, l-r: Aseem Sood, Johna Burke and Mazen Nahawi.
Johna Burke, CMO, BurrellesLuce. The Lifetime Fellowship to Johna acknowledges her work as an ambassador for AMEC and her support and leadership of the AMEC North America Chapter over a number of years. Johna has won widespread respect for her advocacy of the use of measurement and has been able to leverage her profile to open up new opportunities for AMEC with other organisations. She is an inductee of the PR News Measurement Hall of Fame.
Mazen Nahawi, CEO, CARMA. Mazen’s Fellowship is in recognition of his success in building from scratch an international media intelligence business from his headquarters in Dubai and the significant ambassadorial role he plays in promoting promote best practice in measurement. He is a strong supporter of AMEC’ work, its Awards and the AMEC Global Summit and is always ready to help support new initiatives. Mazen has also reinvigorated the CARMA Middle East PR Summit to on Measurement to educate professionals in the region.
Aseem Sood, CEO, Impact Research & Measurement, The Fellowship to Aseem acknowledges his leadership role in India to promote the benefits of measurement and of the work of AMEC. He is a tireless ambassador for AMEC in India and has been responsible for helping to educate PR and communications professionals through conference speaker appearances and teaching. As Vice Chair of the AMEC APAC Chapter he is prominent supporter of the AMEC Global Summit.
Richard Bagnall, AMEC Chairman and CEO of Prime Research UK, said: “I am delighted to be able to announce the Lifetime Fellowship to professionals who have each achieved a huge amount professionally and personally. Each of them has made a major contribution to AMEC and our industry collectively and they all continue to do so.”
The AMEC Lifetime Fellowships were first established in 2016 to recognise individuals who have made a significant contribution to the development of AMEC and to communications research and measurement and who have made a significant impact beyond their own organization
Barry Leggetter, CEO of AMEC, said that the purpose of the AMEC Lifetime Fellowship was to recognize and celebrate accomplished figures “who have made an exceptional and single-minded contribution” to the development of communications research and measurement.
Fellows are entitled to use the designation FAMEC and may be occasionally asked by the Chairman as a deliberate sounding board on matters relating to AMEC’s future development.