AMEC integrated metrics planning update

Development work is at an advanced stage to deliver a new interactive integrated metrics framework in the Spring.
AMEC Director Richard Bagnall, CEO of PRIME Research UK, is leading the working group. He said: “The new integrated communications measurement framework will build on what AMEC has learned during the last five years.
“It will incorporate all of the PESO channels and show how appropriate metrics can be used from activity to output, audience outtake and organizational outcome. There will be a focus on linking planning to objectives, a suite of metrics to consider, including definitions and advice on where best to source them and how to apply them.”
The new framework will launch in early 2016.
The framework will be made available online at the AMEC website, will be fully interactive and feature a step-by-step guide with the ability to save a customized measurement program at the end of the process.
AMEC member, LEWIS is providing digital design advice and development.
The new framework was identified as one of two key initiatives at the AMEC International Summit in Stockholm in June. The other, an update of the Barcelona Principles has already been completed.