The Evaluation Journey: VisitBritain (Session D)

VisitBritain markets Britain to the rest of the world, working with partners to promote and develop the visitor economy. It is a non-departmental public body responsible to the Department of Culture Media and Sport (DCMS). Since 2018, it has been working with Commetric and Notified to collect and curate evidence of earned media outputs across 21 territories to understand performance against KPIs and how these support organisational objectives. Using a range of bespoke earned media evaluation dashboards, supplemented with quarterly reports and consultancy support, VisitBritain has been on a journey, pivoting away from vanity metrics towards deeper qualitative insights.

Delegate takeaways from this session:

  • How VisitBritain made the shift from vanity metric reporting to qualitative metrics
  • Supporting organisational priorities through PR – aligning KPIs to tell a broader narrative
  • Current measurement tactics in times of crisis

The speaker will be answering audience questions online during the presentation.