Unveiling the Hidden Pitfalls: Navigating Cognitive Bias in the Analysis Process and AI Utilisation

Einstein Room

In this comprehensive presentation, we will delve into the intricate world of cognitive bias and its multifaceted impact on analysis measurement and the utilization of AI technology. Recognizing the pervasive nature of cognitive bias is crucial for professionals in various fields, as it significantly influences decision-making processes.
Analysis Measurement:
Explore the subtle biases that can distort the accuracy of analysis measurement.
Discuss common cognitive biases affecting data interpretation and decision-making in analytical processes.
Propose strategies to mitigate bias in measurement methodologies and enhance the reliability of analytical outcomes.
AI Technology:
Investigate cognitive biases inherent in the development, deployment, and utilisation of AI technologies.
Present methodologies for identifying and mitigating bias in the utilisation of AI
– attendees will be better equipped to make informed decisions
– attendees will be better equipped to navigate the evolving landscape of technology with methods that can help mitigate bias when using AI
– attendees will be better aware of how cognitive bias can affect research outputs and will learn ways to mitigate it