From Insight to Decision Intelligence

Lightning round, Sevilla Room, InterContinental Miami

In a world where “real time isn’t often fast enough,” communication pros require more than just standard measurement approaches. New “decision intelligence” technologies not only can predictive the future but also provide simulators so that brands can understand quantitatively the impact and risks of actions before they take them. Decision intelligence is powerful new breed of intelligence that is transforming communication and brand measurement and enabling the ability to firmly tie key measures to critical business outcomes such as sales, and shareholder value. This talk will show specific data and examples in action and provide an overall framework for the approach.

Key takeaways include:

  • How communication pros can move from descriptive to predictive and prescriptive;
  • How decision intelligence isolates the key topics, actions and attributes that truly impact business performance for better focus and planning;
  • Examples of how this approach firmly demonstrates the value of communication and reputation efforts on shareholder value and sales.