From Sustainable Communication to Sustainable Business (Session E)

To run a sustainable business is no longer an option. It is a fundamental premise of future competition. Accordingly, companies should be at the forefront of communication about their sustainable efforts and breakthroughs to the market. In the slipstream of the United Nations biggest global campaign ever – The 17 Sustainable Development Goals – Infomedia has developed a tool, that monitors everything said and written about sustainability and the 17 SDG’s in the media. By analysing the data, we are able to offer companies, organizations and NGO’s valuable strategic insight about how to succeed in sharpening their sustainability profile and share of voice. Consequently, we are turning media insight into business opportunities. Experience Infomedias Global Goals Explorer tool and how to extract valuable strategic insight about company’s performance in the sustainability buzz across media.

Experience how to monitor, measure and benchmark your sustainability mentions across media and your share of voice on your most important sustainable agendas.

The speakers will be answering audience questions online during the presentation.