Fraser Likely

  • Job Title: President and Managing Partner, Likely Communication Strategies – Fellow AMEC – Emeritus Member, Institute for Public Relations Measurement Commission – Fellow CPRS
  • Country: Canada
  • City: Ottawa


My research and client consulting work in PR/C management for the past two decades focuses on helping the head – the Chief Communication Officer (CCO) – of an enterprise’s in-house PR/Communication function with (1) strategic management (PR/C ‘s role in the enterprise’s strategic management processes and the ability to manage the department strategically); (2) structural and organizational design and development; and (3) operational and service performance measurement and improvement. In doing so, two practice areas are important. One is the conduct of a major examination of the function, whether a needs assessments, organizational review and/or benchmarking study. The other is the development of a holistic performance measurement program (and scorecard) for the PR/C department that can measure management excellence, operational/process excellence as well as communication effectiveness excellence through the application of concepts such as multi level frameworks, balanced scorecard, valid metrics, communication controlling and logic modeling.

Areas of Expertise

  • Public Relations Research Measurement and Evaluation
  • Why measurement and analytics is important to PR professionals

Personal Contact Details

Company Contact Details

  • Job Title: President and Managing Partner, Likely Communication Strategies – Fellow AMEC – Emeritus Member, Institute for Public Relations Measurement Commission – Fellow CPRS
  • Company Email: [email protected]

Further Info

Proposed Presentation Titles
  • The Ins and Outs of Conducting a Major Assessment or Review of Your PR/C Function or Department
  • How to Develop a Holistic Performance Measurement Program for Your Department: One That Measures Management, Operational as well as Communication Excellence