AMEC is the world’s leading source of communication measurement information, as the world’s largest media intelligence and insights professional body, representing organisations and practitioners who provide media evaluation and communication research, analysis, evaluation and insights. This Resource Centre brings it all together in one place. Here you’ll find information on measurement methodologies and frameworks, case studies, information produced by AMEC’s Special Interest Groups, and more.

We are the founding organisation of the prominently accepted, adopted and applied best practice resources including the Barcelona Principles (1.0,2.0 and 3.0) and the Integrated Evaluation Framework and the Measurement Maturity Mapper and all this can be found in our resource section. Visit here to become an AMEC member.

AMEC Planning Resources

The AMEC Planning Worksheet
This document, alongside the planning content housed in the Integrated Evaluation Framework, will walk you through how the IEF, our flagship measurement strategy tool – can help you plan campaigns, plans and programmes.

What has Planning got to do with it
An introduction to why planning is such a critical component of PR, and has a symbiotic relationship with measurement and evaluation.

Planning with the AMEC Integrated Framework
An outline of how the AMEC Integrated Evaluation Framework – our flagship measurement strategy tool – can help you to plan your campaigns, plans and programmes too.

Getting started with planning
How to get started and tips on using the The Integrated Evaluation Framework  (IEF) not just as a measurement framework but also as a tool that can help us with planning.

Segmenting Audiences: Starting with the who, not the goal
Planning with the Integrated Evaluation Framework, the “who” behind your campaign exists across multiple steps.

The Importance of SMART(ER) Objectives
When it comes to planning, the framework works equally well to help design your communication objectives by starting at the end and thinking about the underlying reason for your plan or strategy.

Misguided Communication Objectives
If you can’t measure it, it’s not an objective. Here are some common, misguided objectives and how to turn them into something meaningful.

Measurement Methodology

Barcelona Principles
New-look communications measurement benchmark launched.

Integrated Evaluation Framework
This interactive tool and supporting resources have been put together to answer the most common challenges and pressures faced by communicators today as they look to prove their value in a rapidly evolving media landscape. You can also view the AMEC IEF Tutorial for tips on how to use the interactive tool.

Global Data Quality Pledge
Join a global initiative to champion and advance the highest standards of data quality across the research, insights, and analytics ecosystem.

Say No to AVEs
Join a global initiative to eradicate fully the use of Advertising Equivalency Value (AVE) and all of its derivatives as metrics in public relations work.

PRIMER: Introduction to PR Planning
This free primer guide provides an introduction to ‘account planning’ and how it can be specifically applied for PR and communications.

Measurement Maturity Mapper (M3)
A measurement and evaluation planning tool developed by AMEC to help PR professionals better plan and resource their measurement and evaluation programmes.

Glossary of Terms
Evolving a common language to measure success.

Recent SIG or Chapter led initiatives

Setting the Agency Agenda in Measurement and Evalaution

This paper was developed and launched in June 2023 to promote the use of measurement and evaluation within PR agencies. The contributors who are all members of AMEC’s Agency special interest group look at areas of innovation in public relations evaluation and measurement.

2023 APAC Markets Insights Paper

The AMEC APAC Chapter along with the generous contribution and support of members in the region have developed an Asia Pacific Market Insights report.

AMEC NFP Knowledge Share Sessions

The AMEC The AMEC NFP group hold regular sessions featuring speakers who present their approach to bringing best communications M&E practices and research to their organizations. From early days, to awareness and adoption, they talk about their journey with interactive Q&A throughout. Access is for members only.

Case Studies

Case Study Library
Measurement and evaluation is increasingly the go-to communications discipline of choice of leading organisations – many of them globally-recognised brands – in guiding their public relations efforts, shaping future strategy and gauging reputation.

This latest batch of case studies are edited versions of AMEC Gold Award winning entries and showcase the very best of measurement in action.

Find a Speaker

Global Speakers Bureau
At the heart of AMEC’s Mission is a commitment to educate the marketplace. We will do that by having industry-leading experts able to talk at conferences and events throughout the world. If you are an industry leader with proven experience in measurement, join our Speakers Bureau now.

AMEC’s Global Speakers Bureau is a key part of our Global Education Programme.

Global Business Insights Study

Global Business Insights Report

Global Business Insights Study
AMEC’s Global Business Insights Survey was the first industry survey to cover media intelligence and insights when it was launched 10 years ago. Each year the Survey continues with a series of trend over time questions to give AMEC members a unique sense of what is happening worldwide. However each year too, the Survey has a series of new questions which give an indication of the importance that technology trends are now playing.

AMEC Tools

Download the AMEC Logo in this zip folder to be able to use the AMEC logo. Please ensure that the Logo is used in accordance of the Brand Guidelines.

Brand Guidelines
Download the Brand standards for using the AMEC logo with a set of rules that explain how the AMEC brand works and how to use it most effectively.

Demonstrating the Value of Communication

Demonstrating the Value of Communication Part III
Evolving Communication Measurement

Demonstrating the Value of Communication Part II
The Insider’s Guide to Measurement – Part 2

Demonstrating the Value of Communication
Perspectives and advice on communication measurement & evaluation from experts around the world

Measurement Guides

The Non-Profit Communications Professional’s (Beginners) Guide to Measurement
This Guide is about how to make communications most effective in a non-profit organization through better measurement.

AMEC’s Social Media Measurement Framework User Guide
Developed to address a common issue that troubles many communications practitioners – how do I set meaningful objectives and then measure the effectiveness of my digital and social media communications campaigns?