MAKING FINANCIAL SENSE OF COMMUNICATION Determining the value communication brings to your organization

How much an organization invests in its PR and communication efforts depends on the value they create for the corporation or brand.
Most non-communication executives, however, find determining the value a mystery because they are often plied with metrics such as PR Value (Advertising Value Equivalent derived metric), Reach and Engagement that shed little light on how communication adds value to the
organization’s marketing or reputational objectives. This mystery has deepened now that the influence of traditional mainstream media has been disrupted by the rise of social media and content creators. In this Measurement Month of November Maverick together with AMEC is delighted to host AMEC Chairman Richard Bagnall, Chairman of AMEC, to share with Indonesia’s communications professionals how to measure effectively to share his thoughts on how to make financial sense of communications efforts. Sharing the floor with Richard is Junanto Herdiawan, Director of Communication Department at Indonesia’s central Bank, Bank Indonesia. The webinar will be moderated by Maverick Indonesia Managing Partner Ong Hock Chuan.