The Why Matters Most – Planning for Success

A look at how asking the right questions helps to architect success. Using the anology of the coaching world, and how each person is able to find success with the help of a coach, only after they define together where they want to go. In coaching parlance, that is the ‘ coaching agreement’ – If a client comes to me staying, I am stuck help me, as much as I want to I don’t know where to begin. IF the same client after one session with me says I am unable to navigate an interview, I have tried for the last three years to get a new job with no success, help me prepare myself better for interviews, with the objective of getting a new job in the next one year, I now know what my objective is. Measurement of that becomes relatively easy.

Takeaways will include:
Power of asking the right questions to start with the “why” and new ways to tackle the same problem

Integration of learnings from Coaching; real life PR advisory experience and Measurement