Vanity Metrics: Cómo desechar datos que amenazan su estrategia

Vanity Metrics: how to discard data that threatens your strategy

On November 20th and within the framework of the AMEC Measurement Month 2019 #AMECMM, buho™ along with FTI Consulting and GlobalNews Colombia invites you to “Vanity Metrics: How to discard data that threatens your strategy”, a series of conferences and workshops that will allow you to understand how organizations should measure their communication strategies in order to know the true value of brands and to achieve their business goals. In this opportunity we will have 3 conferences: Brent McGoldrick – Senior Managing Director of FTI Consulting – Measurement for Managers: Beyond Vanity Metrics. Juan Fernando Giraldo – CSO and Strategy Manager and cofounder of buho™ – The Road to Strategic Measurement. Carlos Alfredo Diaz – General Manager of GlobalNews Group and the AMEC Latin America Chapter Chair – The Value of the Corporate Reputation. For more information, please visit our social networks @buho_media or our website